Friday, January 20, 2012

Chisea di Santa Croce

View of Riva San Vitale and the Canton Ticino from the bell tower

January 20, 2012 -- 6:19PM

In Riva San Vitale there is a very old Baptistry that dates back to the late 1500s. We saw it on the first day here and it happens to be the site of our studio project this semester. It is the church of Santa Croce. It has been closed to public for the winter while a man restores some of the flooring and the holy water baths. We ran into him the other day and he said he would allow us in today to take pictures and whatnot. We spent some time there and it was amazing to see how rugged it is. We have already been able to see extremely pristine churches with amazing detail and perfect ornamentation and paintings, but this one actually had some signs of it being crafted and painted by a normal human. It was wonderful to see. We were able to get through the door that opens to the spiral staircase leading to the top of the bell tower. It was quite breathtaking.

Some of the flooring patterns

This is a crawl space above the alter in between the ceiling in the roof.

Staircase to the bell tower

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