Sunday, February 26, 2012

Italy Part 2 -- Brion + Verona

Tomba Brion

February 26, 2012 -- 7:48PM

Our second day in Vicenza we took a coach bus just out of the city to Carlo Scarpa's Cemetery at Brion (Tomba Brion). Scarpa was a pretty influential architect and had a very distinct style when it came to the question of joinery, corners, and use of material. He is also buried in this small cemetery. After spending a couple hours sketching and photographing we convinced the coach driver to take us to Verona, a nearby town with more Scarpa work. He did a renovation of Castelvecchio to add a museum of art, sculptures, and armor.

One of the tomb designs, mimicking a Venice bridge

Skylight in the chapel

Voids in the chapel

A beautiful stair in Castelvecchio

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