Friday, February 10, 2012

Daily Life -- Meals

January 10, 2012 -- 6:03PM

I figured since there has been some time between blog posts, I would document some of our daily life in the villa, starting with the meals. The meals are split into two shifts. The second shift, which I am in, is mostly architects with a couple of the honors students. Lunch is always a salad buffet followed by some sort of pasta or rice/risotto dish. We always have tons of bread and butter to go around. Dinner typically starts with a soup, sometimes random biscuit or panini things. The entree varies, but normally it is some sort of meat and vegetables, sometimes also with pasta. We eat a TON of potatoes, it's great. Then we have a dessert which is normally some sort of fruity cake or gelato or something along those lines. I would say about 95% of the dishes I have had so far have been absolutely amazing! We are very lucky to have our wonderful cooks, Luigi and Gaetano, even if they just look like angry Italiano men all the time.

Salad from lunch. Full of veggies

Dinner the other night. Chicken, potatoes, & onions.

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