Friday, April 6, 2012

Day Trip to Como, Italy

Como, Italy

Friday, April 6, 2012 -- 3:40PM

After we got back from Spring Break, our studio took a group trip to Como, Italy. Como is a small city, like Lugano, that is just barely over the border of Switzerland and Italy. Like most towns here, it is on the water and is surrounded by mountains. And apparently George Clooney lives there, but we unfortunately didn't see him. We visited Casa del Fascio (House of Fascist) by Giuseppe Terragni. This was back during the Fascist reign in northern Italy. It is a modular, aka gridded, plan. A very simple and structured plan. We spent some time just wandering around and sitting by the lake. Terragni also has a war memorial down by the lake. We then went a little bit to the outskirts to see a kindergarten also designed Terragni. Pretty similar concepts of Casa del Fascio but not a rectangle. Como is really nice, but I think a lot of us were a bit travel-packed. We had just gotten home from 2 weeks of travel and needed time to unwind and digest everything we had seen.

Como rhymes

Casa del Fascio

Nice Stair

Front Facade

War Memorial -- Terragni


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