Friday, April 6, 2012

Overdue -- Lugano Professional Cycling Race

The Villa's Garden on a beautiful Sunday
(It's pretty awesome to sit out here after meals to relax for a little bit)

Friday, April 6, 2012 -- 12:37PM

So, I completely forgot to post about this: On Feb. 26th a couple of us caught the short train up to Lugano to spectate a cycling race. Basically all the top professional riders/teams were here for this short circuit race. Rick and Blake are huge cyclers, and I'm aspiring, so we decided to spend the morning up there before afternoon studio. It was a beautiful day and it was really awesome to see these extreme athletes.

Our train station

The first lap, they weren't trying yet. Smiling for pictures and whatnot

Cadal Evans, in the red, was the Tour de France winner

10 minute train ride back to Riva

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